Smart Love: the compassionate alternative to discipline that will make youuuuuu a better parent and your child a better person In Stock Now

How to get out of the "Discipline Zone". Smart love is a patient and caring approach to parenting created and tested by the husband-and-wife team of Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper and Dr. William J. Pieper. It replaces the old rewards-and-punishments style of parenting - parenting as "behavior modification " , that turns parents into disciplinarians, which they don't want to be, and treats children as miniature adults which they aren't. 

Smart love encourages parents to understand that world through the eyes of the child, at each distinct stage of development. To smart love is to cultivate a child's inner happiness, as the best means of ensuring the child will grow up well, behaved, responsible, self-confident, and able to reach his or her fullest potential.