The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine: A Guide for Physicians, Parents, and Providers In Stock Now

This book presents an overview of the medical and developmental issues that affect internationally adopted children, offering guidelines for families and physicians before, during, and after adoption. Laurie Miller has comprehensively researched these topics and also draws from over fifteen years of experience in international adoption and orphanages throughout the world. The book shows how to advise families prior to an international adoption, how to perform an effective initial screening assessment of the newly arrived child, how to manage common behavior problems, and how to recognize and manage developmental and other more long-term problems as they emerge. Sections cover such subjects as the risks of prenatal exposures, growth and developmental delays, infectious diseases, and other medical conditions such as toxic exposures, uncertain age, and precocious puberty. This information has never been available in one place, making the book an invaluable resource for families and professionals in the field of international adoption.